Can't get the kids out the door on time without yelling and losing your cool? Can't get kids to listen unless you yell or repeat yourself 100x?


May 25th, 11am PST


SECURE MY SPOT NOW! May 25th 11:00am PST
Discover how to raise kids who listen without you yelling or threatening....with just 5 mins of practice a day...OR YOUR MONEY BACK!

Kids Who Listen the First Time: $227 but if you get your ticket before May 24th at midnight PST - Just $27 !!!!

The REAL REASON you can't get your kids to LISTEN! 

If you've experienced one or more of the following....

  • Yelling 3 or more times per week because you've repeated yourself 100x and they still didn't listen.
  • Frustrated because no matter what you do you can't seem to get them out the door on time.
  • Found yourself impatient by 7:30 am because they can't even finish breakfast without you reminding them.
  • Worried on your way to school because your kid will have a meltdown if you brought the "wrong" snack.
  • Feel like you need to "walk on eggshells" around your kid.
  • Ending the day feeling guilty because of how you handled challenging moments with your kids.

Then I'll bet you're also doing one or more of the following....

❌ Using consequences or taking away a privilege as your FIRST (and maybe even ONLY) way to correct your child's behavior.

❌ Not realizing that you and your child are likely dysregulated, which means neither of you are in a state to listen, learn or connect.

❌ Not realizing you're giving your personal power away to your kid.

❌ Thinking you just need to meditate or do more yoga to stay calm.

 If that's you - I know exactly what you're going through because I've been there too. And it sucks.

Want to know what the 1% of calm, collected, grounded parents are doing differently than the 99% of parents who struggle getting their kids to listen to them the first time they ask to do something?

It comes down to ONE simple change: regulating. You see, a dysregulated child cannot possibly cooperate or listen. Much like humans can’t flap their arms and fly. It’s not physically possible.

For a long time, all I wanted was for someone to tell me how to get my kids to do something the FIRST time I asked them. I was dead set on raising my kids at least as well as I was raised, but still following a traditional parenting paradigm (spoiler alert: this resulted in disconnection and kids who didn't listen).

Sound familiar?

It took me years before I realized how much you can drastically increase connection and cooperation with your kids when you simply understand and learn what steps to take first.

And here's a helpful hint:

When Kids Don't's rarely a need for correction. 

If I told you I could show you how to dramatically increase your kids' ability to listen to you with just 5 mins of practice a day - would you want that?

See Why So Many Parents are RAVING About This Training:

"Results after day one ... Shifting my perspective and starting to understand the origin of my struggles with parenting was HUGE! ....…She’s very skilled at helping to quickly identify issues and point blank, but kindly, pointing them out. Thank you Rachel!"

BR - mom of 2

This is why I'm bringing to you...




MAY 25TH, 11:00AM PST

Proven to raise kids who listen without you yelling...

...or Your Money Back!

  • Practical tools that will help with only 5 mins of practice a day.
  • Discover the steps to raising kids who listen without you yelling. 
  • Finally gain the clarity  you need to build your dream family 
  • Learn why most parents are going about it completely backwards

If you’re ready to stop dreading bedtime, stop losing your cool by 7:30am because you can’t get them out the door on time - here’s what I want you to do: register for our LIVE low cost training on May 25th.

When you join us, you’ll walk away with a simple plan to regulate your child with only 5 mins of practice a day so that you no longer have to walk on eggshells around your kids or wonder what’s wrong with them or with you, 

And here’s the best part - it’s not about punishing or giving bigger consequences.

The Truth is:

The way you've been parenting will NEVER   actually get your kids to listen!

Which also means your children will never feel heard or connected to you.

And I KNOW you became a parents because you want that deep connection ...

Think about it this way - have you ever had a boss yell at you 3 or more times a week? Has your boss ever lost patience with you  because they've told you something 10x and for whatever reason you didn't get it? How likely were you to be open to connecting with that boss? How likely would you be to trust them and feel safe with them? How much respect would you actually have for them when they just assumed you didn't do what they expected on purpose?


Every powerfully grounded parent has learned how to master the most important parenting skill and tool - the ability to regulate their nervous system - and you have this ability too.

Join me May 25th for this low cost training and you’ll walk away with a simple plan to regulate your child’s nervous system so you can communicate in a way they can hear you the FIRST time you ask them to do something.

The No-Brainer Guarantee:

When you join us on May 25th, you'll walk away with a simple plan to raise kids who listen to you the FIRST time you ask them to do something...

  with only 5 mins of daily practice AND you'll discover the exact steps you need to take to raise kids who listen without you yelling....

no questions asked. That's how confident I am that this training is stellar.

Why this Masterclass is only $27:

Since starting my career - some 20+ years ago - I've worked with hundreds, if not thousands of families. I've seen it all when it comes to family dynamics.

I do charge premium prices for my private coaching, and that allows me to work with highly committed individuals who are ready to accelerate and dive deep.

My group programs cost anywhere from $1,000-$5,000.

So why am I hosting this training for such a low cost?

Something I've seen in families time and time again, is that they are extremely devoted and loving but they can't get out of the starting gate because they don't have a clue on how to take the correct first step. 

When kids misbehave, parents jump straight into correction mode, skipping over CRUCIAL steps which, in turn, creates a dynamic in the family where kids won't listen unless you yell or repeat yourself 100x.

Which means if you never get this figured out, you’ll never go on to uncovering the deeper things that lay beneath the surface… which means we won't ever get the chance to keep working together! 

So, it’s for that reason that I want to make sure I get this training into as many hands as I possibly can so I can help you get going even faster.

When you finally do unlock your path to raising kids who listen, just consider how many opportunities that will immediately open up for you to connect and teach your child all the things you know they need.

If you would like my help and guidance in doing that, your investment price is $227 but if you get your ticket before May 24th at midnight PST - Just $27 !!!! 

...and I've even thrown in there a risk free guarantee! So, what do you really have to lose?

And by passing up on this offer, are you really saying that communicating in a way your kids can listen is NOT worth $27 to you?

Let's hope not! 

So, if you are ready, reserve your spot by clicking the link below and I'll see ya soon!




MAY 25TH, 11:00AM PST

Regular Price: $227 get your ticket before May 24th at midnight PST for  Just $27 !!!!

Click Here to Add to Cart

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