How to Correct Without Shaming

Uncategorized Nov 07, 2023


Hey guys, good to have you back with me on another episode of The Unscrew You podcast.

Lately, I've been having some really great conversations inside the powerfully grounded parenting acceleration group. And today I want to bring up something we talked about at length, in today's coaching call, and we're going to talk about this kind of high level. But I think the reason I'm bringing this up is because I think this is something every parent struggles with. And that is, how do I correct my child without also being critical of them without also instilling shame. And there's a few things we have to look at when it comes to correcting our children. So if you've been in my circle for any length of time, you know, I always tell you do not correct in the moment leave that for later, when things have calmed down when everyone's feelings have calmed down.

And we can actually have a productive discussion about what is acceptable behavior, what is not acceptable behavior? How...

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Talking About War


Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of The Unscrew You podcast. And what I want to talk about today is current events, a very kind of sensitive, sensitive topic, hot topic that has been in the news, if you live in the United States, you surely have heard about this, if you listen to the news, and if you haven't.

What I'm going to talk about is how to navigate what is occurring in the Middle East. Right now, at the time of this recording, it's October 2023, there is a really violent, turbulent time in the Middle East, between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza. And while I don't want to get into the content of what is happening, or who started, or the history, or my own personal views and opinions on it, that is not the topic of today's episode, what I do want to talk about is how to navigate your feelings on it if you're directly or indirectly impacted by it, and it's been on your mind, and you've been consuming news, and then also how to help your children navigate...

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Why is My Child So Dramatic


Welcome back guys to another episode of The Unscrew You podcast. If I haven't said this in a while, let me just start by saying, I'm so grateful to you, if you are a new or a regular listener to this podcast, this podcast is one of my biggest passions. I love this platform. I love having deeper, longer conversations with you guys. And I also am so appreciative of the feedback I receive on the podcast, you guys DM me, you tell me what you thought you asked me for specific episodes. And it really warms my heart to have this kind of connection with my audience. So if you're new here, or if you've been here for a while, first of all, thank you. Second, feel free to reach out to me, let me know what speaks to you let me know what topics you want me to cover. Maybe you want to suggest a guest. It's all you know, I'm happy love, love, love hearing from my listeners.

So with that said, today's episode is about over reactivity in your children. Have you had the experience? Or...

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